Monday, September 27, 2010

Banned Books Week

It has come to my attention that this week is Banned Book Week, an event that stands up for the first amendment in our constitution. Lately a few key choice books have been targeted to be put up for ban. Just to list a few Laurie Anderson's Speak,Alice Walker's The Color Purple,and Sarah Ockler's Twenty Boy Summer There are several more books, that are up for ban however,these were the titles that caught my eye the most. Especially Speak which tells the story of a young girl, who has to cope with being raped. Associate collage professor of management at Missouri State University Wesley Scroggins wishes to ban the book,based on what he believes to be 'soft pornography.' My response is excuse my foul language here, but what the hell? Rape has nothing to do with feeling desire, its a sexual act against someone's will. How anyone can call it pornography is beyond me, to be incredibly blunt here. Pornography is something you watch to get your jollies off, and rape is not.

No one likes to hear about the sensitive subject, at the same time these girls never asked to be defiled in such a way. The fact of it is its not pretty, its not just but this is reality, and unfortunately it does happen. The world in return shouldn't turn its head to pretend it doesn't exist because the sad fact it does. If anything books that deal with the subject matter are there for a reason. To help rape victims and to bring attention to the public, that this isn't something that they should be ignore. Its not easy writing about such a topic, especially if the writer knows from experience what its like. Honestly what they must be reliving, as they spin the tale that they are writing, I couldn't begin to imagine what its like for them. Nevertheless these woman have survived as they do with each passing day. To relate porn and this book in the same sentence is like a slap in the face, for all those who have read this book and found hope. Speak is a book, like many it makes people face the part of reality that they'd rather not.

In some ways I understand a parent's decision not to allow their child to read a certain book. Why not simply tell them that they cannot read the certain book, instead of taking away from the other students who want to be informed? On the other hand I don't see why a parent, wouldn't want their children to know about the harsh ways of reality. That life isn't a bowel of ice cream with sprinkles on top, they can still be a kid and know what's out there. Anderson has my full support as do the other authors,who have had their books put up for ban for unjust reasons. Books are a freedom of expression, take that away and you might as well be breaking the first amendment that our forefathers fought for. No I have not read Speak, now I find myself compelled to do so. I will not allow the ignorant ways of a man, who puts rape with being something to get off on. To put a damper on what I read, reality is what it is and the people deserve a chance to read for themselves. Putting a ban on a book, just because you don't wish to accept something, doesn't mean that what the story is about will disappear from the world.

In this way the world is naive thinking that, if you just ban something then it wont be true. On a closing note I'd just like to say, stand up and speak out for books that have been wrongly banned! Blog, write letters, tweet, anything to get the message across! I'll be speaking up and I hope those who read this blog will be too.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Intro to Moi

First off if your reading this then you must be at least somewhat interested in what I'm going to write about in here. Normally I'm a down to earth person once you get to know me that is, until then I tend to be quiet and don't say all that much. Though once you do get to know me, then I'll have you wishing I'd shut up already! I have more of a introverted personality, unless of course I'm with friends and then I'm more outgoing and daring. So I figured since the about me section is sort of cramped, I'd write my own first entry/about me section here. I tend to be blunt no lies, I sugar coat nothing if it needs to be said, I'll tell you like it is, especially if I don't like you, or what your doing. I see it this way life isn't going to sugar coat anything for you, so why should you sugar coat life? If anyone doesn't like my brutal honesty, then oh well it doesn't matter to me either way. I'm a big history nerd hands down, if its ancient and filled with intrigue then I'm on it! I tend to like World history better than my own countries history, because I find it to be dull as hell save a few time periods, and events. While I like a vast amount of time periods, and certain events my two favorite eras are the Victorian era, and the Sengoku era or Warring states era as its known in Japan.

The Victorian era was utterly morbid with how everything was so gruesome, I like this aspect because its far more interesting this way. Although the people in this time period, probably wouldn't agree with me. As for the Sengoku era it was time in Japan, where constant battles were on the rage amazing men, all fighting for what they believed in and some dying for it. Some other things I'm into would be writing,anime,manga,photography,art, and reading. I love writing its a passion of mine that I've had since a young age, its a passion that has yet to go away. I'd like to some day become a published author, its just a goal for now but if at all possible its going to become a reality!! As far as anime and manga I enjoy watching it and reading it, its addicting and sometimes even aspiring. Anime I like: Fushigi Yuugi, Nabari no Ou, Yu Yu Hakusho, Junjo Romantica, InuYasha, Strawberry Panic,Loveless, 07 Ghost, Fruits Basket, and Blood +. I like way more but if I was to sit here and list them all I'd still be here when I was thirty!! Manga I like: Fushig Yuugi Genbu Kaiden, Junjo Romantica, Our Kingdom, Me and my brothers, High School Debut, Girl Friends, Tail of the Moon, The Gentleman's alliance, Crimson Spell, Kuroshitsuji. Again if I listed all the manga I liked I'd be here for a while. Note that I also like yaoi and yuri to me its down right hot, and well love is love, but we'll get to that in a bit.

Reading is another great passion of mine I've always been an avid reader of books, and it will continue to stay this way for a very long time. I like authors like Nora Roberts, Lynsay Sands, James Patterson, Suzanne Collins, Maggie Shayne, Anne Rice, and a whole lot more. Some things I dislike would be: Math,Mustard, Liars,Cheaters, Alcohol,Smoking, Homophobs, Fake people, Rudeness, Egoists, etc .. One last factor that I'll touch up on I am bisexual and I do prefer girls over guys, and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'd go so far as to claim to say that I'm bordering on calling myself a lesbian. To me guys have lost their appeal for numerous amount of reasons, though mostly because I'm sick of their ways and I'm hardly attracted to them anymore. They do nothing for me, and nothing gets me pissed off quicker than a arrogant guy who thinks he can get any girl he wants. NEWS FLASH GUYS NOT ALL GIRLS WANT YOU!! Lol okay I better stop there, or else I'll be ranting on guys this could go on for hours. Anyways I believe that love is love, and if your going to preach about the bible to me telling me its wrong, its sinful, I'll go to hell then I'm likely to pop off with a smart remark you wont like. There is nothing wrong with loving a person, gender really doesn't matter people love the person not because their a certain gender. But because that person has a unique quality about them, that sets them apart from most people.

Adieu for now my lovelies XD